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通过配置 better-table 模块,可以开启表格功能,同时需要配置工具栏按钮 better-table

better-table 模块配置项:

interface IBetterTableOptions {
  operationMenu: {
    items: {
      copyCells: boolean | {
        text: string
      copyTable: boolean | {
        text: string
      cutCells: boolean | {
        text: string
      emptyCells: boolean | {
        text: string
      insertRowUp: boolean | {
        text: string
      insertRowDown: boolean | {
        text: string
      insertColumnLeft: boolean | {
        text: string
      insertColumnRight: boolean | {
        text: string
      mergeCells: boolean | {
        text: string
      unmergeCells: boolean | {
        text: string
      deleteRow: boolean | {
        text: string
      deleteColumn: boolean | {
        text: string
      deleteTable: boolean | {
        text: string
    color: boolean | {
      text: string,
      colors: string[]

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